

3.10 判十字以定方。
4.1 鼓元風而生氣。
4.2 暗空易天地開。

Pinyin yuán fēng ér shēng èr
Grammar* (S) + P [v + dobj + fw + v + dobj]

*Grammatical analysis comes from Ferreira (see Sources).



Lieu/Eccles He set the first stirrings in motion and produced the two forces
Deeg (er) hat den Uratem in Rührung gebracht und (dadurch) die beiden Grundprinzipien enstehen lassen
Wilmshurst he set his spirit in motion and created darkness and void
Ferreira He moved the original Sprit and produced the two realms
Saeki Setting in motion the primordial spirit (wind), He produced the two principles of Nature
Moule He set the original breath in motion and produced the two principles.
Pelliot il a agité le Souffle primitif, afin de produire les deux principes
Havret il mit en mouvement l’éther primitif, et ainsi produisit le double principe
Legge He called into action the primordial wind, and produced the twofold ether
Wylie He moved the original spirit, and produced the two principles of nature
Kircher commovit originis spiritum et produxit. Duas mutationum causas…



Lieu/Eccles = S. Lieu and L. Eccles, Stele on the diffusion of the Luminous Religion of Da Qin… (www.mq.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/55987/264634.pdf, 2015)

Deeg = M. Deeg, Die Strahlende Lehre, I. Die Stele von Xi’an (Cardiff, 2015)

Wilmshurst = D. Wilmshurst (and S. Lieu), A Monument to the Spread of the Syrian Brilliant Teaching in China [ http://www.mq.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/130306/Xian-Nestorian-Monument-Paraphr..pdf, 2015

Ferreira = J. Ferreira, Early Chinese Christianity: The Tang Christian Monument and Other Documents (Sydney, 2014)

Xu Longfei, Die NEstorianische Stele in Xi’an (Bonn, 2004)

Saeki = P. Y. Saeki, The Nestorian Documents and Relics in China, 2nd ed. (Tokyo, 1951)

Moule = A. C. Moule, Christians in China before the Year 1550 (London, 1930)

Pelliot = P. Pelliot (and A. Forte), L’inscription nestorienne de Si-ngan-fou (Kyoto, 1996)

Legge = J. Legge, The Nestorian Monument of His-an Fu (London, 1888)

Havret = H. Havret, La Stèle Chrétienne de Si-Ngan-Fou, III (Shanghai, 1902)

Wylie = A. Wylie, On the Nestorian Tablet of Se-gan Foo (JAOS 5 (1855-56), pp. 275-336.

Kircher = A. Kircher, China monumentis qua sacris qua profanis… (Amsterdam, 1667)